The one for me.
My name is WANDA.


The name is Wanda. Pronounced similar to Wonder but I don't live in Wonderland and neither could I be found there. I'm in love with NO ONE and a HARD-CORE fan of P!NK. They're famous, like obviously you'll know who they are. I'm a die-hard fan of Turquoise, Blue and Green. Not much of Pink. Chocolate and Cheese are my two best friends, they're always by my side whenever I need them. My greatest enemies are Liar, Backstabber, Hypocrite and Nag. I hate them alot. World would be sucha better place without them all. I know you love me. xoxo
19th candles on 23rd November '10


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Adores ♥

My Girlfriends!
Tom Hiddleston
Captain's Ball
Austin Mahone

ت Materialistic

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  • Be with him Forever.♥

  • Cut hair.♥

  • 2nd Piercing for (R)ear.♥ (L>

  • 3rd Piercing for (L) ear.♥ (L)

  • Navel Piercing ♥

  • Tragus Piercing ♥

  • Helix Piercing ♥

  • 2nd Helix Piercing ♥

  • Auricle piercing (L)♥

  • Get into medicine course ♥

  • Auburn Brown ♥

  • Get into school team for rifle girl ♥

  • Improve on STUDY! ♥

  • Become a gynecologist ♥

  • At least 80 rank points ♥

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  • Color Contacts ♥

  • S Band ♥

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    Layout: vehemency
    Icon: reruntherace

    Sunday, May 30, 2010, 21:17
    Pissed me off. -.-!
    You're a Cheater.

    ZZZ. Pissed off with my dadd. Ughh.. Tomorrow finally leaving. Sheesh, finally. I dont seem to be looking forward to Japan, wonder why? Anyways, MISS ME! (:


    Taylor Daniel Lautner...

    ´If you love me only in my dreams,
    let me be asleep forever.´
    PS. Why everytime I see you, my heart will skip a beat? Am I still in
    love with you?

    Saturday, May 29, 2010, 23:21
    Went out~
    You're a Cheater.

    Went out with cousin and bro to celebrate my bro's advance bdae. Went to Resort World, nothing I imagined, which is a pity :x Then saw Universal Studio. Overall was quite lame luhh.. ._. Went to HardRock Cafe to eat, well, the service there was okayy. I love the Browines, damn nice. But was too full..

    After that, went to Orchard to shop for my bro pencil case but then changed to clothes. Total cost is $102 if I not wrong. Haha, damn thirsty siaa, but nothing to drink. Went to The Coffee Bean, and I drink is Snapple -_- .. Cant finish, still left half bottle. Rot at there, then my bro kept saying wanting to go Ion, got one chiobu at there..

    Went there, and she nowhere to be found. Ate dinner at Novena, steamboat. HAHA. But I ate too full, feel bloated.. On the way home feel like vomitting, now a little okayy le bahh.. OHOH! At Novena mrt, a caucasian girl kept lookiing at my eye. Well, i worre Mangekyo Sharingan, but not that weird mahh.. ._.

    Saw a damn CUTE CAUCASIAN GUY WHEN TAKING THE TRAIN TO VIVO! DAMN CUTE, but kinda young. But he's way too tall and voice break. Well, caucasian is like they mature early. But I don mind.. :x


    Taylor Daniel Lautner...
    My heart beats for you,
    my soul dies for you,
    my eyes cry for you,
    my empty arms reach out for you.

    Friday, May 28, 2010, 20:33
    Maybe I can forget about you.
    You're a Cheater.

    Boring siaaa, whole day. But lucky, tomorrow going out. Pheww, plus going to Japan soon. Miss me miss me, you gonna miss me :D Thanks Shirin, for the Bon thingy. At your blog and your tumblr~ :D

    Speaking about Shirin, at msn, her lappy spoiled. Keep got the EXTRA " w " come out~ (: I slept the whole day, if I not wrong. Okayy, not whole, but almost. :x I started playing BattleOn, com is seriously boring luh. And gosh, Imma so LAME ):

    Who agree with me? Please tag~ (:


    Taylor Daniel Lautner...

    I can accept failing,
    but I cannot accept not trying.

    Thursday, May 27, 2010, 20:16
    Parent meeting session.
    You're a Cheater.

    Got my report book, my result sucks. ): Gotta buck up for End of Year, and I will. My tragus cannot pierce le luh. Don have class position, should I try my luck by asking my father? But later for no reason tio scolding.. -_-

    2 fail lo.. Actually my humanities pass de, the damn march exam pulled my marks down.. Sigh sigh sigh. I think Im sure that Im gonna drop O maths? LOLLOL. Kinda boring, slept from 4 plus, if I not wrong, to 7. HAHA, now damn awake.

    Saturday going out with cousin~ Can wear my red with some black thing contact lens! <3 From naruto luh, but not sharingan :x Im so lame right? ._. Mr Leong say I " a little " talkative, and tomboy. Not exactly the word, but I don no how to say.


    Taylor Daniel Lautner...

    “When I see you smile and know that it is not for me,
    that is when I will miss you the most.”

    Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 20:44
    Last day of school~
    You're a Cheater.

    Finally, my headache is gone and so is my fever.. (: But went to school felt sleepy and I slept for like 2 hours? And I was sweating like hell.. My seating area has no fan at all and I even took a book and fan myself, half awake, and went back to sleep again :x

    Didnt ate at recess cause have no appetite at all, dont felt hungry either.. :o Hmmm, had cyber wellness talk and IT WAS SERIOUSLY BORING luhh.. ._. Watched movie at school too, Evolution?? Kinda boring. And sitting like for 1 hour really make my leg ache.. My muscle aches all over my body havent heal yet.. ):

    I still got alot of piano songs don no how to play, 2!! ): Monday sure get scolding de.. Talking about monday, Im going to Japan~ Miss me okayy? Xoxo. 5 days more~


    Taylor Daniel Lautner...

    I close my eyes and all I see is you.
    PS. Dont msg me if you have nothing to say.
    Cause I was like half way forgetting about you.
    And now, Im back in square one again..

    Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 17:19
    Learned boxing today.
    You're a Cheater.

    Boxing was superb. I learnt alot of things even though its only like 1- 1.30 hours. Defintely awesome, learned to defend, punch and kick~ :D Its was tiring when holding the thingy? Like to block people using their gloves, like training.

    Slack slack slack. Went for recess like 11 plus. Kinda late. I now feel sick! >_< Got headache, maybe fever... And ache everywhere when going to the gym and worked out. Now Im feeling miserable! I on fan, which is the lowest level, I feel cold..

    Hope to sleep soon, but still have to wait for dinner.. Don have any appetites at all. ): This sucks. Even my friend said Im vulnerable? Kinda unappropriate. And she still said now is the best time to hit me!! ):

    Hope to recover soon. (: ..


    Taylor Daniel Lautner...

    If you love something,
    let it go.
    If it comes back to you,
    its yours.
    If it doesnt,
    it was never yours.

    Monday, May 24, 2010, 20:33
    Went to Vivo's Gym~
    You're a Cheater.

    Had post activity course today, so we went to TrueFitness Gym. Had introduction on how to use the machine. Then finally, had free time to use the machine and workout. Was defintely tiring. Didnt managed to do the pull down alot of times cause I think I made the wire dropped. :x

    Well, we could used it for about 1 hour. Then went to the Yoga room for the Nutrition talk. Its quite useful (: And I could train my claves, thigh and arm at house without going to the gym. And IM GONNA DO IT! (:

    Then went back to school for a boring talk that no one bothers to listen :x End at 1.15, so at AVA room 1 playing~ Well, so looking forward to learn the Fight, Muay Thai? LOL.


    Taylor Daniel Lautner...

    No matter how many times I get hurt because of you,
    I won´t leave you.
    Because even if I have a hundred reasons to leave you,
    I´ll look for that one reason to fight for you.
    PS. I think Im a fool. I keep thinking about you and hurting myself..

    Saturday, May 22, 2010, 19:17
    Back from Band camp.
    You're a Cheater.

    Just woke up from my sleep.. Way too tired.. Well, at the first day, we played Virus, I tio caught, but after awhile, we stopped playing. Then went to the indoor sport hall below played Captain Ball, different kind of balls. Normal ball, shuttlecock and sponge with water. Was fun~ But was totally wet for my upper body. Then had Flour Bomb, head to toe, all the way white white :x Managed to make some friends with the Sec 1 and some of the Sec 3 (:

    Went to Hort Park at 8 plus. Woah, it was seriously tiring.. Went alot of slopes which are very steep. Plus on Friday, I went to gym.. Had ache on my thighs, leg and my ass. -_- We were like walking for hours cause we reached school at 11 plus. But when bathe, is like, must use pail like our Sec 1 orientation camp.. Plus I forgot to bring my slipper. So all the way my feet were black ._. And I forgot to bring shampoo and soap too..

    Well, had marching today. Learn some new stuff. After that, had treasure game, followed by the farewell party for the Sec4 and 5. Then had my lunch. Quite nice though, but after eating that, I cant buy my Long John Sliver.. ): HAHAA.


    Taylor Daniel Lautner...

    When you changed from bad to worst,
    I never thought of giving up.
    I'm still thinking of accepting your bad points.

    Thursday, May 20, 2010, 21:10
    Had post-exam activities.
    You're a Cheater.

    Early in the morning had a Sexuality Educatiob talk.. LOL. Was quite interesting luh, but got some pictures I don even know whats that. Plus its funny. Hahs. Hmmm, then had break. After that, seperate into 2 groups. One is Hospitality and the other is Sports and Wellness.

    Well, Im in sport and wellness. There's only 4 girls in there, including me. (: Well, must seperate into 4 groups again -_- Im in group 3, which is kinda sucks. Only girl and I don really like my team members? But in there, is funny. Especially drawing of our gym. And of course, I didnt draw.

    Well, overall was kinda fun. (: Tomorrow will have to go to our school gym and on monday, we will go Vivo's gym! :D The coach, Nash said he will teach us fighting? Hope he's not lying cause I want to learn and will be looking forward~

    Wont be blogging tomorrow as I had Band Camp. Pheww, I thought only Band, but got NPCC and ST.John. I don really care about St.John, only NPCC. Cause my friend is in there! :D Hahahs, hope to have fun tomorrow~ But I think I will sleep alone.. ): Cause I don no any people from the band.. :x


    Taylor Daniel Lautner...

    Love isn't finding a perfect person,
    It's finding an imperfect person,
    But choosing to see them PERFECTLY.

    Wednesday, May 19, 2010, 20:28
    Got my results today.. ):
    You're a Cheater.

    English Paper 2 : 48/ 80
    O Maths : 40.5 / 100
    Chemistry : 36 / 50
    Biology : 33.5 / 50
    Social Studies : 25 / 50
    History : 28 / 50
    POA : 58.5 / 100
    Chinese : 73.5 / 110
    Listening Compre : 10 / 20

    I feel like dropping O maths.. I cant catch up, plus there's no one else to teach me.. N level maths was easy when I saw their paper.. Sighh. I shouldn't have took O maths. But if people is willing to teach me, I might consider not to drop..

    A maths, I failed too.. :x Got 16 / 50 . But didnt want to drop as I don wanna go for thursdau band as there are seniors.. Well... This FRIDAY I GOT CAMP AND I REALLY DON WANNA GO! None of my friend are in there, and Im ALONE.

    Sighh. Today go Jalan Besar to see soccer girls maths. -_- Way damn boring there. And they lost. HAHA :x


    Taylor Daniel Lautner...

    I self destruct every relationship so that I don´t get hurt...
    But in truth I just hurt myself worse in the long run..
    Ps. While at the stadium, there were bees and they kept coming to my place! ):

    Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 22:24
    Went go with trisna!
    You're a Cheater.

    Today need to go school for meeting.. 9 am siaa, so early ): 7 plus have to wake le lo, only have 6 hours of sleep? Sooner or later will get panda eyes! ): Then went out with Trisna to Marina Square.

    Watched The Backup Plan. Was nice and funny. But kinda erotic :x They keep making love. HAHA. Got one part which was really laugh die me sia. The women giving birth.. :x Well, movie end at 6 plus. So went to Baby room, locked the door, and cam whoring in there.

    And oh yea! I wore Coloured contact lens! (: 1st time wore it and have no difficulty in putting them in or taking out. HAHA. Cam-whoredin there about 1 hour. Cant really take good pics as there wasnt any good light..

    So 7 plus almost 8 went to shopped awhile, then went to ate dinner. Ordered korean food, then got one man came and said : " Your food got cockroach, whats your license no? " I was like... HAHA. But still dare to eat luhh.. (:

    After eating finished, which was like 8 plus, we cam whore at there.. :x

    There's the pictures!
    More at Trisna Handphone.. (:
    Forgot to rotate, plus lazy cause I put
    finished then remember.. ):


    Taylor Daniel Lautner...


    When love takes over,

    you know you cant deny.

    Monday, May 17, 2010, 23:57
    Hope tomorrow can go out!
    You're a Cheater.

    Sianzz, needa go school tomorrow. PLEASE END EARLY. I want to go out, plus I wanna wear my contacts! If I could wear it x.x Played audi with Trisna, now then end. Haha (:

    I damn scare getting result siaa. If I failed, I know Im going to die.


    Taylor Daniel Lautner...

    Just because somebody doesn't love you the way you want them to,
    doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
    Help my friend, thanks! (:

    Sunday, May 16, 2010, 20:27
    I feel like crying...
    You're a Cheater.

    Dont ask me why.. Its no point anyways..

    ´Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away
    and all the things I want to say can find no voice.
    in silence,
    I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart.´

    Saturday, May 15, 2010, 13:07
    Tell me. Don be afraid of hurting me..
    You're a Cheater.

    Just posting since I got nothing to do.. Damn bored, okayy? HEY GIRLS, JIO ME OUT LEI.. I long time never go out liao sia.. Anyways, just putting pictures~

    Okayy, these pictures are NOT PHOTOSHOP!

    My FAVOURTIE. (:
    Taylor Daniel Lautner...
    In every girls life there will always be those three guys...
    The one she loves,
    the one she hates,
    and the one she cant get enough of...
    And in the end...
    They're all the same guy.
    Ps. Just say the truth.. I hate this suspense ALOT.

    Friday, May 14, 2010, 21:39
    Make sentence~!
    You're a Cheater.

    A little blur though.

    Used back my old skin.
    You're a Cheater.

    Exams were finally over, and yet, the result is coming so soon. I kept thinking that I will fail all my exams as they were so HARD.. x.x Sighh, went through ALOT this week.. Not about exam, of course.

    A maths, Poa and O maths.. So damn hard... Goshh, don want tio kick out from O math sia. ;eeks Hope can go out this weekend and mon, tues~ (: Sorry SHIRIN, was busy with changing Blogskins.. :x Never went for tuition as exams were over.

    Must miss me okayy? May 31 going Japan, till 6 June. 7 June reach Sg~ Gotta have fun. xoxo.


    Taylor Daniel Lautner...

    A kiss, when all is said,
    what is a kiss?
    It is an oath of allegiance taken at a closer proximity.
    A promise more precise.
    A seal upon a confession.
    The red dot upon the I of loving.
    Instances of eternity, murmuring like a bee.
    A balmy communication with the sweet scent of flowers,
    that elects the mouth to the ears.
    It is a passion of inhaling each others' heart,
    each others' soul,
    and each others' lips.
    Ps. Baby, whats wrong with you?

    Saturday, May 8, 2010, 21:51
    It just aint getting any better.
    You're a Cheater.

    Watched Iron Man 2 today at Jp~ Quite nice and funny (: Then ate dinner with my Cousin. HAHA. Got my lens solution le! Hehs..


    Taylor Daniel Lautner...

    Love me when I least deserve it,
    because that’s when I really need it.
    Ps. Kinda sad.

    Friday, May 7, 2010, 22:19
    I dont care anymore.
    You're a Cheater.

    I dont care if I pissed you off, cause you not IN MY LIFE ANYMORE. So whatta hell I care about your feelings? So fuck off. Thanks (:

    Went to library today as have maths remedial. Kept on fighting with Amirul, hahs~Then etcetc lo. Then I study Japan Language~ (: Smart girl, heh? Hmm, some queensway ppl ask me question.. Was like, totally shocked?

    They asked me among the 4 of us, which one is the most handsome.. ._. Of course I choose my class~ LOL.

    Had tuition today, quite boring.. x.x


    Taylor Daniel Lautner...

    Though you're still with me,
    I had been alone all along.

    Monday, May 3, 2010, 17:49
    Feel kinda unwell today..
    You're a Cheater.

    Woke up at 9.15a.m, then suddenly my gastric damn pain.. Felt like dying.. x.x Quickly went to open the fridge and take any food I saw.. I was like a beggar foraging food siaa. First time siaa.. ):

    So went to bathe and iron my hair, etcetc~ Went to CCK to collect my lenses.. Actually at Boon Lay de, then change. Hahs. Damn happy siaa. Got my lens. Now gotta buy the casing~ And finally WEAR IT. >[]<

    After that went to Outram to meet SHIRIN for her Advance Birthday Celeb. Still searching for her present.. Chip & Dale~ Ate at Pizzahut. Damn full, felt like vomitting at the end.. Too full, never got to eat the Cake.. ):

    I said that I wanna get top 3 so that I can pierce my tragus. But see what Im doing, slacking like hell. LOL.


    Taylor Daniel Lautner...

    Holding on to a love that's long gone is
    like trying to turn back on a one-way street...

    Sunday, May 2, 2010, 12:27
    Scare about tomorrow!
    You're a Cheater.

    Damn PISSED OFF with my mom early in the morning lo.. About 10 plus -.- Is like WTF? My bro too! Zzz! Sighh. Been moody from yesterday and maybe till now.. ): Sighh.. But Im sure I will be okayy! :D

    Later going JP with Cousin.. Cant go out siaa! Exam exam, tsktsk.. Then tomorrow!! Damn scaree! Going to collect Color Contacts Lens from Charlotte friend.. ): ALONE! GOSHH! Hahs, but kinda excited that finally the lens is going to Arrive? (: xoxo.

    Yesterday entertain a guy with msges.. Never thought it will be so hard.. LOL, guess Im a boring girl after all~ Will be posting in the night, I guess? O.o


    Taylor Daniel Lautner...

    Dont you love how every girls profile is about that one guy,
    but he never knows that every word is about him.

    Saturday, May 1, 2010, 21:29
    Feel like sleeping the entire day! x.x
    You're a Cheater.

    Damn bored.. Feel like sleeping x.x .. Sigh, my leg hor.. Damn pain siaa. Walk until like Im cripple -.- Squat also cannot.. -.-

    Yesterday slept at 1 plus.. LOL. Webcam-ed with a REALLY REALLY CHILDISH GUY. :x Plus woke up at 7 plus because of his phone calls! ): Then msg msg, chat chat awhile, went back to sleep again.

    Officially woke up at 12 plus. Saw TWILIGHT <3 Hahs, really obesses with vampire.. ._.



    Taylor Daniel Lautner...

    Two souls with but a single thought,
    Two hearts that beat as one.
    PS. Pogo Shippo.. And waiting.