Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 16:14
Holiday is coming to an end soon...
Since holiday is ending soon, I decided to update my blog since it has been dead for quite awhile now. 1 more thing, In JC, there's no such thing as holiday ): PWWWWW ALL THE WAYYY. Sigh. But at least I got to wake up late, not like the usual hour to school, so that's 1 good thing.
Ok, pictures basically tell me story since I took it with an iPhone with dates and didn't bother to update every single time, so yea. Roughly I know what had happened on that day! So let's cut the chase and here's the pictures!
15/03/13: Camping time. Previous post have some of it but due to the connection of internet, I didn't upload the rest.
18/03/13: A rare picture of me with naked face! (:
22/03/13: A day to AdventureCove! It was super awesome, exciting and cheap! It was all worth it~ Planning to go again soon!
24/03/13: Some of the photos. Unglam me, I know, but I had fun! :>
25/03/13: My classmate: Edelle & Sujani. Edelle is gone now, went to NYP ): .
26/03/13: Me to him. Bought at AdventureCove since he has a dolphin named Debbie. It's cute alright! (: We named it Branda~
And YESSSSS! My Forever 21 items were here! Super excited, cost me more than 100 bucks :/
29/03/13: USS Trip with cousins! (: Super fun, but had a panic attack during the roller coaster flight x.x Sigh, wasn't like that the previous time. Must had a shocked during AdventureCove x.x . But it was fun! (: 1st time going USS with him! (: Min. makeup ( Concealer & loose powder ) & of course, lenses!
At the Transformer place!
31/03/13: Skipped my tuition since I felt it's really USELESS. Oh well, had breakfast at Wendy's . Not bad, quite nice (:
4/04/2013: FaceTime with babe! Here's come Branda!
07/04/13: SHITTT, I've forgotten what I have done on this date! >< Poor memory ): By the way, the top was from the Forever21 mail! It's a crop tee!
12/04/2013: Brandon bought for me, all my favorite snacks! (: Thank you so much! :* And Happy 31 months Anniversary! (:
13/04/2013: Have any seen fish kiss before? Well, here's a photo. It my fishies! (: They kissed!
15.04/2013: So sweet of him buying me pens! You probably be able to see bits and pieces of my name, but maybe not? But my school is a definite!
19/04/2013: He's been buying me too many gift for me! Feel a little guilty now ): But Thanks!!!! It's P!NK Fan Edition album! Love it sooooo much! I have 1 original and now this?! I'm in cloud nine now.
04/05/2013: We cooked our dinner ourselves! Made of macaroni and potato soup! Yummy! (:
08/05/2013: Hurt my ring finger during my shooting (exercise) training by smashing my finger with a who knows what weight was the medicine ball. Till now, (today date), it's still hurt ):
09/05/2013: Branda had a brand new look! A eyebrow. Makes it look so different!
10/05/2013: Man, look at that timing! It's past midnight and I still had school later in the morning ): All cause of PWWWWW. I woke up of course, at 6.10a.m . So bascially I only had less than 4 hours of sleep.
It's JUNE now and I have quite a lot of photos left, but right now, Imma be a good girl and start doing my math!
See ya soon~